Gotta have the Continental M7

Sew With Me Club Membership with every sewing machine purchase.


Let's make beautiful stitches, with gorgeous threads and amazing designs. Join us at Sew With Me and learn how to set your machine up just right for success, try some tools to make it easier, and mastering some beginner designs. Sign up today and bring your friends too!

Come learn something new...about your New Bernina. This is a series for new Bernina owners. We will cover how to maintain your sewing machine between professional cleanings, what are all the feet for that came with your sewing machine, and how to set your machine up for free motion quilting.

Perfect your blocks the Tucker way. Join Dana for a year of Tucker University Freshman year and become a fabulous quilter along the way. Everyone who has done this with us has grown into marvelous block makers. Be our guest put the ruler's to the test! Each month is $25 for fabric kit, technique sheets and design sheets.